Utility Management

RACO Adds Two New Communication Protocols

The remote monitoring and reporting system can now use EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP to interface with PLCs and other devices
Sept. 9, 2015
2 min read

RACO Mfg. and Eng. Co., a provider of remote monitoring, reporting and control devices, now supports two new protocols, EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP, which allow the Verbatim Gateway remote monitoring and reporting system to interface with programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and other devices.

EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP protocols are the latest in a long line of RACO product advancements designed to ensure reliable remote monitoring. With these optional protocols, the Verbatim Gateway system is more versatile and cost-effective.

“We launched these protocol additions to the Verbatim Gateway at WEFTEC 2013, and the response was great,” said James Brown, vice president of sales and marketing for RACO. “These protocols provide a new method of communication, which allows the Verbatim Gateway to easily and effectively integrate with system designs. With the EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP protocols, Verbatim Gateway now offers our clients a competitive edge and distinct value as a first choice in monitoring systems.”

Verbatim Gateway is a full-featured automatic dialing remote monitoring system with PLC interface that has all the inputs and outputs of a Verbatim system, plus up to 96 external PLC registers for PLC monitoring. At any time, the user can check PLC network status, modify alarm criteria and monitoring points and alter process variables anytime from any touch-tone phone.

Source: RACO

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