Utility Management

AWWA Releases New Edition of Benchmarking Performance Report

2016 edition available for purchase online
Feb. 9, 2017

The American Water Works Assn. (AWWA) released the newest edition of Benchmarking Performance Indicators for Water and Wastewater. The report assists utility managers in comparing how their utilities are performing against others in the water and wastewater sector.

The report delves into this data by focusing on five areas of operation—organizational development, customer relations, business operations, water operations and wastewater operations—for 43 key performance indicators. Historical trends from previous AWWA benchmarking surveys also are provided.

For this report, data was gathered from a diverse group of utilities in 35 U.S. states, Washington, four Canadian provinces, Guam, American Samoa and Puerto Rico. Participating utilities range in size from serving less than 10,000 customers to more than 500,000.

Benchmarking Performance Indicators for Water and Wastewater: 2016 Edition can be purchased in AWWA’s online store.

About the product:
Benchmarking Performance Indicators for Water and Wastewater: 2016 Edition
Published by American Water Works Assn.
ISBN: 978-1-62576-197-2
Softcover, 238 pp. 
Price: $369 AWWA members, $561 non-members 
Product #: 20765-16

Source: American Water Works Assn.

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