Burcin Akkaya
RJN Group Inc., a consulting engineering and specialty field services firm, welcomed Burcin Akkaya, P.E., to the St. Louis office and Alexie Kindrick, P.E., to the Tulsa office as its newest project managers.
Akkaya will use her proven expertise in the field of water and wastewater design to develop the right solutions for RJN’s clients. Her background in potable water distribution system design adds another dimension to RJN’s offerings in the region, giving RJN greater versatility. Burcin’s experience managing large design projects and mentoring young staff engineers will make her a valuable addition to the RJN team as project manager while the company continues to support ongoing projects in Missouri and southern Illinois.
Kindrick, LEED Green Associate, is passionate about solving municipal infrastructure problems. Her energetic attitude toward improving wastewater collection and water distribution systems affirms RJN’s own customer-centric approach. Kindrick has actively served communities in Oklahoma over the last decade and is currently president of the Oklahoma Water Environment Assn.