In this month’s episode of Talking Under Water co-hosts Bob Crossen and Katie Johns give an overview of the Jackson, Mississippi, Water Crisis and touch base on the latest proposal from the EPA, which relates to adding PFAS chemicals to Superfund. Additionally, this month’s interview is with Jeff Cornell, global PFAS practice lead for Black & Veatch. Crossen and Cornell talked about all things emerging contaminants, particularly as it relates to PFAS, but Cornell also shares an exhaustive list of just how many things are on his and the industry’s radar as it relates to water contamination.
Show Notes:
- Cold Open | 0:00
- Host Introductions | 0:25
- Episode Summary | 0:36
- Water Crisis in Jackson Mississippi | 1:10
- EPA Proposes Adding PFOA, PFOS to Superfund | 3:43
- Interview with Jeff Cornell begins | 6:43
- Overview of emerging contaminants in water and wastewater | 6:54
- The CERCLA designation is complex and vast | 19:55
- Viewing emerging contaminants with a one water lens | 21:20
- Exciting technologies to address emerging contaminants | 25:11
- What’s the roadmap for addressing emerging contaminants | 30:13
- Interview ends | 34:38
- Housekeeping | 35:01
- End | 35:36
- StormCon 2022 is happening September 26-28 in National Harbor, Maryland. Join us for networking opportunities, an exhibit floor and educational sessions on stormwater, green infrastructure and more. Click here for more information and to register.
About the Podcast
Talking Under Water is the premier podcast for the water industry, including municipal and industrial water and wastewater, residential water treatment, storm water management and erosion control. It is produced in coordination between Water & Wastes Digest (WWD), Water Quality Products (WQP) and Storm Water Solutions (SWS). The podcast covers topics under the One Water movement including the municipal and industrial water and wastewater, point of use, point of entry, residential, storm water and erosion control markets. Talking Under Water highlights news, trends, new technologies, industry discussions and on-site interviews with experts for WWD, WQP and SWS. New episodes of the podcast are released on the third Friday of every month. Logo Images: Anatoly Tiplyashin / Romolo Tavani /
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