Utility Management

WRF awards $200K in research funding for One Water strategies

The Water Research Foundation awarded funding to help develop a One Water Planning guidance document for utilities to improve One Water strategies.
Sept. 12, 2023
2 min read

The Water Research Foundation (WRF) has awarded $200,000 to HDR, an employee-owned design company, to enhance the firm’s research in developing a One Water Planning guidance document.

The research will help the water sector with a One Water Planning guidance document for utilities to improve strategies across all phases of the urban hydrologic cycle. In addition, this project will develop a holistic decision framework to help utilities choose and prioritize interconnected projects and initiatives.

The research team includes Colorado State University’s One Water Solutions Institute, Dr. Jennifer Biddle and 21 participating utilities in the U.S. and Canada.

“HDR is grateful for WRF’s funding,” said Trent Stober, HDR utility management services director. “I am excited to work with our research team, WRF and our utility partners to advance One Water Planning to deliver higher value investments for our environment and communities. The One Water system provides an all-inclusive approach, leading to wiser and more collaborative infrastructure decisions that achieve multiple benefits.”

The emergence of new drivers and disruptors requires water utilities to move from traditional lowest cost and siloed investments to what is termed One Water strategies. These strategies yield higher returns through an integrated approach. In addition, the intersection between requirements in the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act is an important factor in various municipal water programs. This intersection demonstrates an opportunity to holistically manage water through systems-based approaches.

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