Utility Management

GIS Uses for Water & Wastewater Utilities | WWD Weekly Digest

GIS and location intelligence platforms can play a crucial role in Lead & Copper Rule Revisions compliance. But what else does the tech offer to water utilities?
Feb. 24, 2022
2 min read

Geographic Information Systems or GIS are a useful tool for utilities to capital plan and correlate data points in a visual way. As utilities look to comply with the Lead & Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR), creating a map of their lead service lines can be a crucial tool for public communications and transparency. But that is just scraping the surface of GIS uses for utilities.

Ty van den Akker is the vice president of product strategy for Locana, a GIS and information intelligence company. Akker explains what GIS is, how it is evolving and ways it can be used for LCRR compliance. He also dives into additional uses, how the water and wastewater sector can learn from power, oil, gas and broadband companies, and the barriers that exist for implementation in small utilities.


  • Intro | 0:00
  • What is GIS and what is location intelligence | 0:34
  • How GIS can aid in Lead & Copper Rule compliance | 4:08
  • Correlating GIS data with demographic and other information | 6:13
  • Barriers for small systems implementing GIS | 6:53
  • How water and wastewater utilities have used GIS for improved operations | 9:54
  • Lessons to learn from other utility sectors | 13:11
  • How GIS systems implementation will evolve for utilities | 14:55
  • GIS as a communications and transparency tool for LCRR | 17:56
  • Outro | 19:20

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