3 Simple Ways to Increase the Life of Your Clarifier Drive
Evoqua Water Technologies
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Whether your clarifier is new or 20 years old, these simple maintenance tips will increase the life of your clarifier drive.
Your clarifier is 20 years old and you wonder how much life it has left. Or, you just installed a new clarifier and you want to get as many years as possible out of it. The heart of a clarifier is its drive and here are three simple ways to increase the life of your clarifier drive.
1. Drain Water from Condensation or Rain
Oil and water don’t mix and when water gets into the main bearing oil bath of your clarifier drive it begins the process of reducing its life. It’s not a matter of if water will get in; condensation, wash-down and heavy rains will take care of that.
Oil bath drives are furnished with a drain and since water is heavier than oil, it will sink to the bottom where the drain is located. The water can be easily removed by opening the drain until oil starts to come out.
The frequency of draining the water will vary. Check it often until you know what your drive takes. A ¼ turn ball valve is a handy addition for easy draining.
2. Maintain a Regular Lubrication Schedule
Along with keeping water out, it is important to maintain a regular lubrication schedule. Follow the manufacturer's recommendation for type and frequency for greasing and oil changes.
Twice per year (summer and winter) is typical for oil changes. Regular oil changes will allow for debris and contaminants to be flushed from the system.
One area of lubrication often forgotten is the mating surface of the shear-pin sprocket. The shear-pin should be removed, grease applied to the mating surfaces and rotated. A minimal amount of corrosion can cause the mating surfaces to bond and render the shear-pin useless.
3. Monitor the Gap for Bearing Wear
Keep track of the main bearing wear. With the typical continuous operation of a clarifier there will be bearing wear even with the best maintenance.
Your drive may have a method of tracking the wear. The Envirex® clarifier drive has a series of Stop Blocks positioned above the rotating main gear. The gap between the gear and Stop Block will increase over time as the bearing and strip liner wear.
Monitoring the gap according to the specifications furnished in the O&M will allow you to plan for bearing and liner replacement before it becomes an emergency shut-down.
Our technical experts can provide a diagnostic on-site clarifier inspection at little or no cost, depending on the application. Evoqua inspection service includes:
- Comprehensive inspection report with recommendations and budget information for planning purposes
- Proactive maintenance and repair recommendations
- Maintenance training
For more information on Evoqua's clarifiers, visit our website or call 855-708-3629.
Editor's Note: Scranton Gillette Communications and the SGC Water Group are not liable for the accuracy, efficacy and validity of the claims made in this piece. The views expressed in this content do not reflect the position of the editorial teams of Water & Wastes Digest, Water Quality Products and Storm Water Solutions.