Advanced Anaerobic Industrial Effluent Treatment
The BIOPAQ®IC technology is proven technology which is recognized worldwide as one of the most efficient means to clean industrial wastewater and produce biogas. BIOPAQ®ICX, a new development in the BIOPAQ® product line, was designed by Paques in order to meet customer’s evolving requirements.
BIOPAQ®ICX combines the excellent properties of the BIOPAQ®IC reactor with a high flexibility with regard to tank design. The compact system can be implemented in existing tanks or can be used to retrofit existing under-performing EGSB reactors. Due to a high granular biomass concentration, the system can operate with high volumetric loading rates. The 2-stage biomass retention prevents wash-out of biomass, high liquid velocities and excellent mixing properties, enabling the effective treatment of a wide range of industrial wastewater.
- Based on proven BIOPAQ® technology with >30 years operational experience
- Five years experience with full-size units in several industries
- >100 references worldwide
- Loading rates 15-30 kg COD/m3/d
- Available for a wide range of COD loads
- Upgrade of existing systems in wastewater treatment plants
- An economical option in case of expansion or upgrading current system
- Small footprint, suitable for urban area
- Production of ‘green’ energy-rich biogas
- Modular system – tailor made solution
- Worldwide availability
BIOPAQ®ICX: upgrade your anaerobic reactor to get the ICXperience!
Do you have an under-performing reactor? Does it lose biomass? Then BIOPAQ®ICX is the solution for you. This technology is particularly well suited for upgrading old, inefficient anaerobic reactors.
For more information, visit Paques’ website.
Editor's Note: Scranton Gillette Communications and the SGC Water Group are not liable for the accuracy, efficacy and validity of the claims made in this piece. The views expressed in this content do not reflect the position of the editorial teams of Water & Wastes Digest, Water Quality Products and Storm Water Solutions.