Florida Launches Wastewater Treatment Plant Energy Program

Sept. 2, 2020

The Florida Wastewater Treatment Plant Energy Program will upgrade publicly-owned wastewater treatment plants with energy-efficient technology.

Florida’s Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) launched the Florida Wastewater Treatment Plant Energy Program. 

This $2 million grant program aims to upgrade publicly-owned wastewater treatment plants with energy-efficient technology, according to Florida Daily.

This new grant initiative was developed by the FDACS Office of Energy following their study, “Mapping the Energy Landscape of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants in the State of Florida.”

According to the study, Florida’s wastewater treatment plants could save annually 26,763,827 kilowatt-hours of electricity and 6,354 tons of carbon dioxide through energy efficiency improvements.

“Energy costs can be as high as 40% for wastewater treatment plants. Reducing energy use and operating costs are more important now than ever, as resources could potentially be diverted to address the ongoing pandemic,” said Fried. “Putting into action the results of our Office of Energy’s study with a solid $2 million grant investment creates a tremendous opportunity. With this funding, we can help Florida’s publicly-owned wastewater treatment plants reduce energy use, operating costs, and greenhouse gases through new energy-efficient technology.”

The study provides a baseline on energy efficiency and renewable energy measures and practices at water and wastewater treatment plants in Florida, according to Florida Daily. It also provides recommendations on how to reduce energy use and operating costs. 

Even further, the FDACS Office of Energy is continuing energy equity efforts by focusing on investing in projects that aim to reduce the energy burden for Florida consumers. 

Florida publicly-owned wastewater treatment plants are the only eligible applicants for this program, reported Florida Daily. Applications must be submitted to the FDACS Purchasing Office by Oct. 30.

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About the Author

Cristina Tuser

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