FCC Puts Halt on Fax Ruling
The FCC put a halt on the recent ruling that required businesses to obtain permission to fax to clients. The ruling, which was to be in effect by August 25, now will be in effect as of January 1, 2005. Businesses should, however, be obtaining written permission from clients beginning immediately. "Existing" customers and business partners may be faxed as before until that date, but you must obtain permission to fax to new customers or potential customers.
More than 1,400 associations sent opposition of the ruling to the FCC, reported the Water Quality Association (WQA) who was among the organizations that protested.
The FCC plans to review the ruling during this stay, which could potentially lead to the reverse, change or remain with the original ruling.
The stay may be read at hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-03-208A1.doc.
Source: FCC and WQA