WERF Seeks Proposals for Security Project to Protect Wastewater Utilities
The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) will release research funding totaling $275,000 for the development of a software model that aids wastewater treatment facilities in addressing hazardous events, either natural or man-made.
Called SewerNet, this integrated consequence assessment software will allow wastewater utilities to perform a comprehensive evaluation of wastewater system performance affected by contamination events in the collection system.
Used as an emergency preparedness tool to analyze potential hazardous incident scenarios and their consequences, SewerNet will let utility officials make more informed decisions on managing and mitigating the impacts of hazardous releases within the water supply and wastewater collection infrastructure.
It is envisioned that at this stage of development, SewerNet will be used primarily in an offline mode as an emergency planning and preparedness tool that analyzes potential hazardous incident scenarios and their consequences. Researchers interested in submitting a proposal for this project are encouraged to visit the WERF website at http://www.werf.org/funding/avail_funding.cfm for more information and a complete RFP.
Source: WEF