House Begins FY06 Appropriations with Department of Interior and EPA Bill
Source WEF
The first House Appropriations Committee began work on FY06 spending bills last week with its first subcommittee mark-up.
On Wednesday, the Appropriations Subcommittee for Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies reported out its recommendations for FY06 spending on programs under its jurisdiction, including EPA programs.
The subcommittee recommended the following funding levels for specific water-related programs: $850 million for Clean Water SRF ($241 million below FY05 levels but $120 million above the Administration’s FY06 budget request); $850 million for Drinking Water SRF ($6.8 million above FY05, level with FY06 request); $223.9 million for sec. 106 grants to states ($15 million above FY05 but $8 million below the FY06 request); $15 million for sec. 104(b) grants ($1.8 million below FY05 levels but $15 million above Administration’s request of zero funding).
The subcommittee followed the Administration’s recommendation to eliminate wastewater operator training grants. The recommended spending level for the National Water Quality Assessment Program within the U.S. Geological Survey was $63.132 million which follows the Administration’s requested amount. The subcommittee bill goes before the full House Appropriations Committee next week, then onto the full House for approval which could come as early as May 19th. The Senate is expected to take up the measure in June.
Source: WEF