Wastewater Treatment

Source Sentinel & INFICON Form Business Alliance

June 21, 2005
3 min read

Source Sentinel LLC, developer of near real-time detection, alert and response systems to protect drinking water supplies from chemical and biological threats and INFICON, a global leader in advanced instrumentation designed for fast, on-site detection of chemical contamination and warfare agents, announced a technology and marketing alliance. The two Syracuse-based companies will jointly market and sell Source Sentinel’s Intelligent Water Management Systems, which includes the INFICON HAPSITE Chemical Identification System to drinking water source, treatment, and distribution facilities and system operators. This combined effort to reach the national and international water utilities marketplace provides a vital systems approach to government and industry for integrated assurance of water quality.

Source Sentinel and INFICON advanced technologies offer precise, current data for decisions affecting life, health, and safety in water security and water quality surveillance. These proactive products include the fastest, most accurate, on-site technology fro reducing vulnerability to chemical threats and minimizing public health impacts, providing crucial information fro corrective action and predictive models for optimizing cost-effective delivery of higher quality water.

Source Sentinel LLC President Terrance P. Madden said, “We are very pleased to be in alliance with INFICON, another great Syracuse and Central New York firm. Together we can offer users more flexibility to help protect water supplies against natural and terrorist induced threats and contamination. You know, we believe Source Sentinel has considerably more application than Homeland Defense. Source Sentinel aims to help water purveyors control operational cost by adding intelligent, decision-making tools based on the data fusion from a variety of sensors, including the INFICON HAPSITE technology.”

Lukas Winkler, president and CEO of INFICON, commented, “The information-rich detection systems from INFICON for identifying chemical contamination combine with Source Sentinel’s secure artificial intelligence technology to relay information to water system operators who can assess the risk of potentially hazardous situations for a timely response. We believe this exciting collaboration with Source Sentinel enhances our critical sensor technology, incorporated in the innovative Source Sentinel system, and provides an excellent solution to those charged with protecting our drinking water supplies from natural and man-made contaminants.”

On June 8, 2005, Congressman James T. Walsh (NY-25th) announced he had placed a second year of U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency funding for Sourced Sentinel’s research, development and commercialization into the House Appropriations Committee-Defense bill totaling $1,800,000. Last year, Congressman Walsh secured $1,200,000 in funding for Source Sentinel. He said, “These guys came up with a really good idea that has both military and civilian applications in the post-9/11 world.”

Source: Source Sentinel, LLC

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