Passive Wastewater Treatment System Introduced to Colorado
Source Presby Environmental
After a homeowner’s septic system failed on a small lot and the homeowner was faced with a large bill for a new system, Virgil Russon of Greeley, Colo., looked for a solution. He did extensive research for alternatives to pipe and stone, and found Advanced Enviro-Septic (AES). The AES System provides advanced treatment of septic effluent to tertiary quality, is completely passive with no motors or maintenance required, has a small footprint and requires no oversight or monitoring.
At the time, the system had not yet been introduced to the Colorado market. Russon contacted the manufacturer, Presby Environmental of Whitefield, N.H., and was put in contact with Jerry Lewinson, the Southwest distributor. Russon found an engineering company, Alles, Taylor and Duke of Evans, Colo., to help work with Lewinson to bring AES into the state.
Robert Wright, P.E. of Alles, Tayler and Duke took a leadership role in bringing AES to Colorado. “My opinion is that this is not ‘experimental’ technology, but ‘new’ technology for Colorado, having worked in other states for years,” Wright said. Wright, who has been designing onsite systems for more than 35 years, worked many hours designing the AES test system and working with the state, while absorbing much of the cost, until he was finally able to put a system in the ground.
“The firm sees huge potential for the first time in resolving the problems of tiny lots that have failing systems and not enough reserve area to meet setback requirements or replacement system regulations,” said Mark Taylor of Alles, Taylor and Duke. It took about a year of working with the state of Colorado and Weld’s County Health Department to get AES an experimental approval. Despite substantial hurdles and setbacks, on June 4 and 5, the system will finally be installed.
“We are all partners in making this happen.” Russon said, after the extensive work to get this passive solution to their county and later to the whole state. “We will be the test system for the county and state for the next year with many people coming, sampling, and observing the operation here in Colorado. Between the work of Bob [Wright], ourselves, and Jerry, there are many key people who are now pushing for it in Colorado.”
Source: Presby Environmental