Pentair Presents New Technology at AWWA/AMTA Conference
Pentair, a company focusing on the treatment, transfer and flow of water and other fluids, will showcase its latest solutions for reducing, recovering and reusing water at the Membrane Technology Conference and Exposition, hosted by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and American Membrane Technology Association (AMTA) in San Antonio, Feb. 1 to 5, 2016.
AWWA/AMTA is an event for membrane technology and applications in North America. The conference reveals new directions in water and wastewater treatment technologies, desalination, and membrane bioreactor applications.
Pentair will highlight its X-Flow advanced membrane and Codeline pressure vessel product lines at Booth 320. Attendees will have the opportunity to view Pentair’s latest innovations and solutions, including its Helix flux enhancement technology and the Aqualine system.
Source: Pentair