Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater Spills in Rocky Road Creek, N.C.

The Jacksonville, N.C., treatment plant is taking steps to prevent future incidents
Dec. 1, 2017

The Collins Estates Mobile Home Park Wastewater Treatment Plant in Jacksonville, N.C., reported an untreated wastewater discharge Nov. 24 of an estimated 315,000 gal. The spill into a Rocky Road Creek tributary was attributed to a breach in the lagoon embankment.

Patrick Mullally Jr., wastewater treatment plant operator at Collins Estates said, “The reason it happened now and hasn’t happened before is we’ve been doing some improvements to the facility and it disturbed the ground.” Mullally reported that the breach has been filled and the plant is working to improve the embankment. 

After testing the water downstream, the plant said the spill will have no impact on the drinking water for residents in the mobile home.

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