NSF Intl. Publishes New Standard for Supplemental Microbiological Water Treatment Systems
The Michigan-based organization NSF Intl. has published a new American National Standard for drinking water filters utilized to root out harmful microorganisms in municipal drinking water systems. Specifically, the new announcement aims at the period between a water-supply contamination and a boil-water advisory.
The new standard, coined NSF/ANSI 244: Supplemental Microbiological Water Treatments Systems -- Filtration, offers new minimum requirements for mechanical water filtration devices that are geared towards battling microorganisms in water supplies, specifically bacteria, viruses and protozoan cysts.
Supplemental filters directly affect public health as filters play a vital role in preventing water-borne illnesses, especially in those with weakened immune systems.
“NSF/ANSI 244 establishes the minimum requirements and performance characteristics for products that claim to reduce the type of potentially harmful microorganisms that can get into the water supply if there is some kind of unexpected microbiological contamination event,” said Jessica Evans, Director of Standards Development at NSF Intl. “Consumers, especially those with compromised immune systems, can be confident that products certified to the standard will provide protection if there is some kind of event with the public water system.”
Devices covered under the new standard are intended only for protection against accidental microbiological contamination of otherwise safe drinking water. In the case of a contamination event or boil-water advisory, consumers are advised to follow adhere to their municipal water authority’s instructions and maintain their filtration device per the manufacturer’s instructions once the event is over.