Delaware City Completes $12M Headworks Project
By By Bob Crossen
The Rehoboth Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant in Delaware has completed a $12 million project to upgrade its wastewater systems.
The completed work on the project were focused on the headworks building, including equipment replacement, electrical work and pipe infrastructure.
According to report from the Cape Gazette, electrical work was needed because the facility was not safe for staff. The report outlined the costs as follows:
- Headworks equipment and electrical work: $9 million;
- Mixers and motors for oxidation ditches: $1.3 million;
- Headworks building rehabilitation: $1.3 million; and
- Pipe: $400,000.
Next in the pipeline of work are the dewatering building and a pump station. Currently, Rehoboth has a contract for land application with local farms, but with the upgrades to the dewatering facility, the solids would instead be hauled to the county landfill.
The pump station rehabilitation came to light in August of 2021, according to the Cape Gazette. The concrete foundation of the structure is 80-years-old and through exposure to sulfuric acid, it had degraded over time. The cost of the upgrade is estimated to be $2.5 to $3 million, and the final total is awaiting a final determination on electrical costs.
To accommodate the pump station upgrades, the city’s contractor, GHD, requested variances from the county for the footprint. A public hearing will be hosted Dec. 19.
Via Cape Gazette