Wastewater Treatment

Texas approves $34M for new Pilot Point wastewater treatment plant

The funding will support the city’s plans to construct a new wastewater treatment plant, replace about force main and gravity sewer line, and conduct an emergency preparedness evaluation.
May 8, 2023

Texas Water Development Board has approved $34,455,000 in financial assistance for the City of Pilot Point’s wastewater infrastructure.

The funding supports the city’s efforts to construct a new wastewater treatment plant with modernized treatment facilities for higher capacity. The city will also replace about 12,000 linear feet of force main and 4,200 linear feet of gravity sewer line. The city plans to use the principal forgiveness to conduct an emergency preparedness evaluation.

The funding consists of $34,380,000 in financing and $75,000 in principal forgiveness from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. In addition to the loan forgiveness, the City could save approximately $11,000,000 over the life of the loan by using the low-interest funding.

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