The Water Research Foundation (WRF) announced that it is funding 12 new projects through its Tailored Collaboration Program.
The projects will focus on various One Water research topics, including emerging contaminants, biosolids treatment, spectral imaging of algal blooms and more.
The Tailored Collaboration Program supports regional or utility-specific research concepts by providing up to $150,000 in matching funds to WRF subscribing utilities.
“The WRF match enables subscribers to accomplish more with their research while also benefiting from WRF’s project management and expert review processes,” said Kenan Ozekin, WRF research unit leader. “We’re also excited to welcome new volunteers to our project advisory committee (PAC) to help facilitate this program.”
The approved projects not only address the utilities’ specialized research needs but also have the potential for broader applicability across the water sector.
The selected projects are as follows:
Project Title
Sponsoring Utility
WRF Funds
Total Budget
Determining the Role of Spectral Imaging as an Early Warning System for Presence/significance of Algal Blooms |
American Water
HTL Aqueous Stream Anaerobic Co-Digestion and Ammonia Recovery to Enhance the Technical and Economic Viability of HTL Technology for Biosolids Treatment |
Great Lakes Water Authority
Lithium Treatment Strategies in Drinking Water |
Southern Nevada Water Authority
Understanding the Factors Affecting PFAS Variability in the Potomac River Watershed |
Loudoun Water
Pop-Up Hyporheic Zones (PUHZO): A Novel Modular Technology to Treat Phosphorus in Urban Drool and Dry-Weather Creeks |
Sonoma County Water Agency
Balancing Carbon Management, Energy Production, Nutrient Removal and Densification |
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
Evaluation of Adsorptive Medias for Optimizing Siloxane Removal from Biogas |
Pima County
RT-ddPCR for EBPR Biomonitoring |
Clean Water Services
Evaluating the Full-Scale Impacts of Densified Activated Sludge on Disinfection Efficacy; Connecting Water Quality and Disinfectant Dose-Response |
Metro Water Recovery
Characterization and Pilot Testing of Microwave Reactivation for PFAS-laden Granular Activated Carbons |
Hampton Road Sanitation District
PFAS Fingerprinting for Source Identification Using Machine Learning |
South Platte Renew
Cal-Val Guide to Treatment Credits for Indirect Potable Reuse in California |
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power