Wastewater Treatment

Montana DEQ considers new Montanore mine wastewater permit

The Montana Department of Environmental Quality intends to issue a new wastewater permit to the Montanore Mine.
Nov. 4, 2024
2 min read

The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) announced on November 1, 2024, that Montanore Minerals Corporation has applied for a new Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (MPDES) permit for the Montanor Minerals Corporation’s (MMC) Libby Exploration Project – Libby Creek Adit.

The Libby Exploration Project is an underground silver ore and copper ore mineral exploration near Libby, Montana.

The draft MPDES permit is for the discharge of treated mine drainage and storm water from Outfall 001 and Outfall 003 (to be constructed), and from storm water only Outfalls (004-011). The draft permit establishes monitoring, effluent limits and special conditions.

The Montana DEQ issued a public notice on November 4, 2024, with the purpose of informing the public about the MPDES permit.

The notice states that the Water Protection Bureau has prepared a draft permit for the facility.

The Montana DEQ opened a window for public comment on the permit, which will be open until 11:59 p.m. on December 6, 2024. The comments can be directed to the DEQ Water Quality Division, Water Protection Bureau, PO Box 200901, Helena, MT 59620.

All comments received or postmarked by this date will be considered for formulation of final determinations to be imposed on the permit.

During the public comment period provided by the notice, the department will accept requests for a public hearing.

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