South Dakota’s Huron City Commission approved three resolutions regarding the water and wastewater system in the city.
These are part of the loan application process through the South Dakota Board of Water and Natural Resources. The three projects will request up to $23.6 million in state-backed loans, reported The Huron Plainsman, which include:
- Up to $13.1 million toward improvements in the city’s water system for: replacement of water lines, drinking water capacity expansion, water meter upgrades, and other improvements already put into place as part of the five-year plan for water improvement.
- Up to $7.1 million to improve the city’s wastewater system, such as: sanitary sewer collection improvements, lift station replacements, wastewater treatment facility improvements, and more.
- Up to $3.4 million toward storm water system improvements at the fairgrounds.
According to Assistant city engineer Dennis Bennett and City Finance Director Paullyn Carey, many of the projects would be funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, reported The Huron Plainsman.
The storm water project is part of the construction of the DEX building on the fairgrounds.
A 2022 South Dakota Integrated Report for Surface Water Quality Assessment led by officials with the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR) collected data from 5,888 stream miles and 176 lakes over the last five years to analyze the state’s surface water resources and identify impaired water bodies for total maximum daily load (TMDL) development or treatment.
According to Brian Walsh, spokesman for the DANR, the study results can be misleading because water bodies may meet water quality standards for most applicable standards and still be listed as impaired, reported Black Hill Pioneer.
“Overall South Dakota’s lakes and streams support healthy aquatic life and the recreational opportunities we all enjoy, regardless of impairment status,” Walsh said, reported Black Hill Pioneer. 78.2% of the stream miles were found to not support one or more of their beneficial uses, and DANR lists 95 different streams as impaired.
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