WateReuse Florida Elects New Officers, Committee Chairs
WateReuse Florida, a professional association comprised of public and private professionals with a vested interest in managing, promoting and developing public understanding of the benefit of reuse, has elected and appointed new officers and committee chairs.
New officers include: Amy Tracy, ETM, Inc., president; Blake Guillory, P.E. The Guillory Group, Inc., president-elect and Mark Elsner, P.E., South Florida Water Management District, secretary-treasurer.
Part of the mission of WateReuse Florida is to educate the public. In Florida, reuse water is used in many applications, including irrigation, indirect potable reuse and to support Florida industries’ sustainable water initiatives. Some communities use the water for environmental benefit, including the rehydration of natural systems or to manage saltwater intrusion that can turn ecosystems brackish.
As the cost of treatment increases, as does the quality of the water, discharging it to the coast becomes less sensible.
“Our members are producing, distributing and using this resource every single day. Reuse is a smart investment in Florida because it facilitates achieving minimum flows and levels to protect our springs, supports sustainable economic growth and provides communities more control over their water resources.” Tracy said.
Source: Environmental PR Group