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JWC Environmental

Santa Ana, US 92705

More Info on JWC Environmental

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Advanced sewage treatment equipment is of vital and growing importance to the world. JWC Environmental is a leading manufacturer of equipment for wastewater treatment, solids reduction, solids removal and processing. The Monster family of products—including the Muffin Monster and Channel Monster sewage grinders, Auger Monster fine screen, Screenings Washer Monster and Monster Separation System—is legendary for quality and reliability, incorporating a fine screen or band screen with superior screenings conditioning. Our superior technology provides solutions for the most demanding applications, including sludge grinders, shredders, screens, washer compactors and septage receiving stations.


WWD Enews Top Content 090621

Monster Stack™ - The Right Cutter at the Right Location

Since materials in the waste stream vary, grinders often must address multiple challenges from the bottom to the top of the grinder. JWC grinders use individual cutters so you...
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Chain & Rake Monster®

JWC’s Chain & Rake Monster® is a highly efficient, continuously raked bar screen for coarse screen water treatment needs at headworks, pump stations and storm overflows. Its robust...

Washer Compactor

The Monster Wash Press (MWP) cleans and compacts the discharge from headworks screens, separating water and organics from the solids. It features a Muffin Monster grinder to preconditio...

Wastewater Grinders

The Channel Monster Flex is the newest addition to JWC Environmental’s family of grinder products for shredding tough solids to protect downstream pumps, pipes and other equipment...

Rotary Drum Screens

JWC’s IPEC internally fed rotary drum screens have offered solids recovery in industrial wastewater applications for nearly 40 years. They are used in a variety of food and beverage...
JWC PS Muffin

Sewage Grinders

The patented Muffin Monster design has established new standards in product performance and reliability due to decades of technical advancements and innovative design improvements...

Sewage Grinder

The 10K Series Muffin Monster offers superior waste-grinding capabilities in a compact, easy-to-install unit that is suited to a variety of wastewater grinding applications. This...

Septage Receiving System

The SRS-XE is an improvement to the award-winning Honey Monster. This automated septage receiving system uses a combination of grinding, solids removal, washing and dewatering...

Screenings Washers

Screenings Washer Monsters provide a cost-effective solution for compaction and dewatering of wastewater screening. Models of the washers include the SWM-XE, the SWM-XEM and the...


Auger Monster model AGV safely and easily screens, cleans and conveys rags and debris straight up and out of the sewer system. This gives collection system managers an affordable...


JWC Solutions for Facility Sewage

Nursing homes, apartments, jails and sporting arenas all produce high solid sewage that can clog pipes and pumps. JWC has solutions for all of them.

Protect Your Pumps With Grinders From JWC

Channel Monster Flex and Muffin Monster® grinders from JWC Environmental easily shred wipes, rags, plastics and other materials, preventing costly pump problems and sewer backups...

Channel Monster Flex Sewage Grinder

Learn about the Channel Monster Flex, the newest high-flow sewage grinder from JWC Environmental. It features modular architecture, high flow capacity and powerful grinding.

Sewage Grinders Protecting Pumps in Private Facilities

Two shafted grinders are great for private facility sewage. See pump protection options for hospitals, apartments, prisons, resorts and more. Rags and wipes are no problem.

The Finescreen Monster Makes Pretreatment Processes Flow With Ease

The Finescreen Monster is responsible for removing solids and protecting plants from small pieces of trash that easily slip through coarse screens.

Channel Monster

The patented Channel Monster integrates rotating screening drums with Muffin Monster grinder technology. The system accommodates high flows while shredding solids into particles...

Auger Monster

The Auger Monster is a robust and affordable wastewater screen that combines three of JWC’s technologies – a grinder, a fine screen and a compactor. It removes trash and unwanted...

Bar Screen Monster

The Bar Screen Monster system is used in head works, pump stations and CSOs. It is designed to provide quick removal of heavy slugs of debris in order to protect downstream processes...

Vertical Auger Monster

JWCE introduces the new Vertical Auger Monster, which is designed to attach to the wall of a pump station, screen out rags and disposable wipes, and protect pumps from ragging...

Municipal Grind

From mop heads to prison jumpsuits—you name it, it's in this video. JWC grinders are designed to handle tough, fibrous and organic debris that finds its way into the waste stream...


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No Match for These Monsters: Technology for Eliminating the Wipes Nightmare

The composition of modern sewage is vastly different than influent from just a few decades ago, and pump stations, headworks facilities and other equipment within water resource...
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How to Right-Size Wastewater Headworks Screening for Smaller Plants

There is not a one-size-fits-all solution that can be applied to every headworks situation. Matching the needs of the facility to the appropriate screening equipment is vital ...



Monster Stack™ - The Right Cutter at the Right Location

JWC grinders use individual cutters so you can mix and match cutter types in a Monster Stack™ to address multiple challenges in the waste stream.
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Reducing Emergency Sewer Repairs From Ragging & Clogging

Pump station solution addresses wipes, rags, clothing, rocks, wood, plastics and other non-dispersible debris
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Upgrade of Channel Monster® Cuts Wipes Problem and $78k From Electrical Bill

Water District’s upgrade to JWC’s Channel Monster® with Wipes Ready solves pump clogging problems.

Headworks: Removing Inorganics and Preventing Wear

This article details headworks designs and shows how the system fits into the scheme of the wastewater treatment process

Muffin Monster Takes Over When Macerator Can’t Cut It

For many years, a water reclamation plant in Texas successfully used six Penn Valley double disc pumps for their primary sludge and scum applications. At their latest expansion...
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Durango Foils Energy Heist & Lowers Maintenance Costs

Durango WWTP commissioned a JWC Environmental IFT 3648 Monster Drum Thickener in June 2006.

Cutting Down on Reweaving of Flushable Wipes

Ontario pumping station upgrades to new technology to combat problems caused by flushable products

Wastewater Sewage Grinder

About the author: JWC Environmental can be reached at www.jwce.com or 800.331.2277. The Channel Monster Flex (CMF) is the newest addition to JWC Environmental’s wastewater sewage...

iWWD - Unipres

Cost: $250,000 to $300,000Location: Portland, Tenn.Year: 2018-12-01Size: 17 gpmOwner: UnipresDesigners: FRC & Hanka Associated LLCContractor: ARMI ContractorsIn 2017, Unipres ...
JWC CS Mosside Scotland

Shredding Solids in Scotland

Mosside pump station uses rotating drum screens to tackle clogging problems

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Additional content from JWC Environmental


Rotary Drum Sludge Thickener

Wastewater treatment plants are trying to find ways to reuse their valuable sludge through anaerobic digestion, as well as lower their overall carbon footprint. The Monster Rotary...
JWC CS Las Vegas NV

Pump Maintenance Eliminated at Apartment Complex Lift Station

New approach eliminates lift station pump clogs at 400-unit apartment complex
JWC CS Catalonia Spain

Protecting PC Pumps in Spanish Biogas Plant

Facility adds grinder to extend stator life

Open-Channel Grinder

The powerful Channel Monster grinder is equipped with new Delta P side rails and drives trash, rags and waste debris into the cutter stack while maintaining high flow. The durable...

MBR Screen

The Bandscreen Monster screens wastewater to remove problem solids, provide complete protection for membrane bioreactors and meet the manufacturer’s warranty requirements. The...
JWC CS Pilot Flying J

Manhole Helps Keep Trucks Rolling & Sewage Flowing

Built-in grinder helps reduce troublesome solids

Finescreen System

The Finescreen Monster removes unwanted rags and trash before they cause problems inside a wastewater treatment plant. It uses moving perforated panels with 3-mm circular openings...
JWC CS Santa Margarita CA

Down to Size

Grinder cuts $78,000 from energy costs in Santa Margarita (Calif.) Water District
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Wipes Ready Grinders

Use new Wipes Ready technology at your facilities and lift stations to prevent rag-ball removals, pump clogs and damage dollars. Wipes-ready technology optimizes wipes capture...
JWC CS Wipes

Nondispersible Wipes Turning Sewers Into Nightmares Nationwide

Stakeholders across the industry seek solutions to a difficult problem
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Grinding Down Wet-Well Cleaning & Pump Repair Costs

Grinder eliminates debris from pump impeller, reduces maintenance costs
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Grinders for Grease Reuse

Muffin Monster grinder units from JWC Environmental help prevent FOG buildups in a Florida plant, stymieing dangerous sewage overflows

Surviving the Sludge

Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, facility uses grinder to process sludge after macerator explosion
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A Head Works Hero

Screenings washer helps Idaho facility address stringent requirements
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One Stop Chop

Retrofitting sewer systems with chopper pumps to prevent clogs & pump failure
A1 Lagoons

Small Space Sludge Management

Costa Rica chicken plant dewaters sludge for rendering
JWC TR Monster Drum Thickener

Internally Fed Rotary Drum Thickener Aids Sludge Dewatering

Users can minimize capital & operational costs by pre-thickening sludge prior to centrifuge
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Separation System Replacement

Separation system replaces screen at Wisconsin wastewater treatment plant
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Grinding Away Clogs

Three facilities solve clogging issues with grinders
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New Approach, Old Problem

Eliminating lift station pump clogs at a 400-unit apartment complex
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Adaptable Thickening

Ontario municipal waste treatment plant gains sludge thickening system

Wipes Test

A Muffin Monster devours sewer clogging debris.

Grind Loop

The Muffin Monster is legendary in the wastewater industry for power and reliability—it efficiently turns rags, trash and debris into small particles so they flow easily through...
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Sewage Grinder Offers High Power in Compact Package

The grinder is an ideal solution for smaller wet wells located in facilities such as office buildings, apartment complexes, resorts, retail centers & package treatment plants

Cutting the Clogs

Protecting a pump station & weathering storms in Scotland
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Antarctica Research Station Adds Sewage Treatment Plant, Installs Innovative Sewage Grinders in Head

Prior to construction of the $6 million, 170-ft-by-140-ft indoor plant, wastewater treatment consisted simply of maceration and discharge into nearby McMurdo Bay. The primary ...

Separation System Protects Plant’s New Membrane Bioreactor Addition

An Idaho wastewater plant discovers a method of protecting membranes in its new membrane bioreactor addition

WWTP Upgrade Cuts Headworks Maintenance By 75%

The town of Merritt upgraded their inlet screen so operators could focus on more important matters

Screening More Efficiently

Screening system captures more solids at New Jersey wastewater treatment plant

Less Material at the Landfill

Washer-compactor cleans up sloppy, smelly screenings
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Cutting Upgrade Costs

Fine screen retrofit cuts upgrade costs by $1 million for Hawaii MBR

Compactor Cleans Up in Seattle

Screenings washer removes fecal matter, reduces costs

Protecting an MBR system

Fine screen results in immediate maintenance benefits

Wastewater Treatment Plant Halves Screening Costs

Separation system manages screening, odor and trash problems

Keeping Pumps Unclogged at a National Landmark

Grinder protects pump from rags, plastics and trash

Improving Solids Removal at Florida Treatment Plant

Finescreen panels improve capture rate, reduce labor costs

Grinders Cut Costs at Minnesota Treatment Plant

Grinders protect pumps and keep the plant clean

Vegas Detention Center Proves Monsters are Everywhere

Creative grinder installations help water pollution control facility run smoothly

Honey Monster Helps Big Fish Environmental Find Clean Water

Septage receiving system aids unique and efficient plant design

Secret Station

Underground location keeps pump station buried under a new park
JWC-Tech Review

Grinding, Separating Technology Prevents Pump Clogs

The technology prevents materials from forming long strips & reweaving in the waste stream

Wastewater Treatment Plant Gets a Grip on Grease

Indiana facility installs grease receiving station to reduce the amount of debris discharged into its grease tank

West Lafayette Plant Gets a Grip on Grease Management

A screen system captures all debris as grease is unloaded into this Indiana wastewater treatment plant

Grinder Cuts Maintenance Costs, Protects Pumps in Santa Ana

System has reduced maintenance times despite lift station's challenging location

Fine-Screen Savers

Screenings washers make fine-screening possible at Ontario treatment plants

Screen & Protect

Separation system defends WWTP’s MBR addition

Membranes in Paradise

Fine-screen retrofit saves a Hawaiian MBR facility space and money
JWC CS Bridgewater MA

‘Monsters’ Prevent Trash from Escaping Correctional Facility

Grinders help keep the sewer system flowing at this 1,000-acre correctional campus

New Separation System Protects New Membrane Bioreactor

With a rapidly growing population and three lagoons nearly at capacity, managers of the Star Sewer and Water District in Star, Idaho, needed to increase their treatment capacity...

U.K. Water Co. Enhances Treatment Process with High-Flow Finescreens

England’s wastewater system dates from the Victorian era, but in recent decades has undergone significant overhauls. The industry put in place advanced new treatment technologies...

Scottish Treatment Plant Jumps on the Bandscreen Bandwagon

Scottish Water, the U.K.’s fourth largest water treatment organization, recently installed three Bandscreen Monsters® at their Hawick treatment plant to handle inorganic solids...

Surfing’s In, Rags Out at this Southern California Treatment Plant

It’s called the American Riviera. Santa Barbara is a crown jewel along California’s beautiful coast line, with lush rolling hills, luxury resorts, a historic Mission and spectacular...

How to decrease septage handling costs

Early Spanish settlers described Ventura County as the “land of everlasting summers” and named this region located northwest of Los Angeles County, California, “San Buenaventura...

Wastewater Screenings Disposal Problems

Installation of a new system that grinds, washes, compacts, and dewaters bar screenings at the Meriden(CT) Water Pollution Control Facility has reduced organic content and overall...