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Contech Engineered Solutions LLC

West Chester, US 45069

More Info on Contech Engineered Solutions LLC

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Since 1904, Contech Engineered Solutions has been a leader in the pipe industry. Beginning as a corrugated steel pipe manufacturer, to the development of cost-effective, long service life PVC storm and sanitary piping systems, to the development of DuroMaxx – Steel Reinforced Polyethylene (SRPE) piping system, Contech has always sought to provide its customers with tomorrow’s technology today while consistently providing high level service and support.

Contech Engineered Solutions  l  www.ContechES.com  |  800.338.1122  |  WEFTEC Booth # 1651

Products & Press Releases

Contech Es

DuroMaxx Steel Reinforced Polyethylene Pipe

DuroMaxx provides solutions for sanitary sewer overflow tanks and wastewater pipeline applications.
Aug. 25, 2022
A2000 Beauty

A-2000™ PVC

With a 100+ year service life, A-2000™ withstands corrosive attack from both acidic and alkaline soils. It is unaffected by chemicals found in normal sewage and is a cost-effective...
Aug. 19, 2022
Dmx Glamour Shot2

DuroMaxx® Steel Reinforced Polyethylene (SRPE)

Since 1904, Contech® Engineered Solutions has been a leader in the pipe industry.Beginning as a corrugated steel pipe manufacturer, to the development of cost-effective, long ...
March 8, 2021
Contech PS Truss Pipe

Gravity Sewer Pipe

Truss Pipe is a thermoplastic composite, double-wall, semi-rigid pipe that provides 200 psi minimum pipe stiffness and strong deflection. With more than 40 years of in-service...
Sept. 24, 2019
Contech PS A-2000

Sanitary Sewer Pipe

A-2000 PVC pipe and DuroMaxx steel-reinforced polyethylene (SRPE) represent the leading edge in sanitary sewer pipe technology. A-2000 provides excellent durability and resistance...
Aug. 16, 2018
Contech PS Rehab

Pipe Reline and Rehabilitation

Contech offers a variety of products and systems, combined with more than 100 years of experience, to facilitate rehabilitation of storm and sanitary sewers, culverts and bridges...
Aug. 16, 2018
Contech PS DuroMaxx

Irrigation Pipe

DuroMaxx steel-reinforced polyethylene (SRPE) pipe provides strength and durability for irrigation applications. With less weight and larger sizes, DuroMaxx provides a low-cost...
Aug. 9, 2018
Contech PS A2


Contech Engineered Solutions' website contains a host of resources for engineers in need of wastewater treatment, sanitary sewer, irrigation or reline solutions. The site contains...
Aug. 6, 2018

Articles & News

Bosque Brewery 96in Pic1

Water/Wastewater Solutions

Municipal and industrial wastewater management, storage and treatment presents owners and project designers with many unique challenges. From the laterals connecting residential...
April 3, 2023
Lick Creek Dmx Main

Lick Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion, College Station, Texas

To address the project design requirements while finding a cost-efficient solution for the Lick Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, the engineer specified a DuroMaxx® SRPE sanitary...
Nov. 9, 2022
A2000 Waukee Main

Northwest Area Trunk Line Improvements | Waukee, IA

Early in 2018, the Council members for the City of Waukee, Iowa, approved Phase IV of a capital improvement project allowing for the expansion and enhancement of the Northwest...
Oct. 18, 2022

Azalea Ridge Subdivision Pump Station

After review of several options, a DuroMaxx® SRPE sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) system was selected for a new housing development.
June 10, 2022
BNSF Image 1

BNSF Intermodal Facility - High Volume Stormwater Detention

The construction of 1,300 new parking stalls for intermodal containers resulted in the need for a massive underground stormwater detention system.
Nov. 3, 2021

Kings Run Improvement Project

The Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati included a DuroMaxx® SRPE combined sewer overflow system in their improvement project plans to restore Kings Run as a tributary...
Oct. 14, 2021

Meridian Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility Expansion

The City of Meridian, Idaho included DuroMaxx® SRPE for the piping into two new clarifiers, providing some significant advantages to their treatment plant expansion project.
May 3, 2021

Expanding Meridian With Secondary Clarifiers

Secondary clarifier expansion necessitates large diameter pipe
March 11, 2021

Lick Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion

Lick Creek WWTP expanded its current permitted capacity of 2 MGD to a new rated capacity of 5 MGD. A DuroMaxx SRPE sanitary outfall was included.
Oct. 6, 2020

Bosque Brewery Bernalillo

A DuroMaxx® SRPE SSO tank was selected in the site design for Bosque Brewing Company.
Sept. 22, 2020

Videos & Resources

Memphis Airport Fed Ex 600x400

Memphis Airport Glycol Containment

Often engineers will default to a traditional concrete vault when designing an underground glycol runoff containment system. This type of design presents many challenges. The ...
Aug. 11, 2022

Peachtree Station Shopping Center Sanitary Sewer Overflow

The Peachtree Station improvement project included a sewer action plan to address the limited sanitary sewer capacity. A DuroMaxx® SRPE SSO tank was selected to contain the sanitary...
Sept. 29, 2021

A-2000™ - A Proven Pipe for Sanitary and Storm Sewer Applications

Engineered for gravity flow applications in depths exceeding 30 feet, A-2000™ withstands corrosive attack and should be specified whenever you consider using PVC sewer pipe.
Sept. 8, 2020

Contech SRP PE Brochure

Click below to download the Contech SRP PE Brochure.
April 2, 2018

The SPR PE Pipe Rehabilitation

The SPR PE pipe rehabilitation process restores the hydraulic efficiency, reliability and integrity of aging sewers, storm drains and culverts. It relines a host pipe from an ...
July 26, 2017

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All content from Contech Engineered Solutions LLC


Steel Reinforced Polyethylene (SRPE) Technologies by Contech

SRPE combines the strength of steel with the flexibility of plastic and can be installed with up to 25% flow.
Aug. 17, 2020

Custom-Built SRPE Storage System Handles Variety of Flows

Design for Washington lift station & welcome center overcomes system complexity, site constraints
July 7, 2020

Southwest Airlines Maintenance Hangar at William P. Hobby International Airport (HOU)

As a part of an expansion at an airport maintenance hangar, underground watertight tanks were needed to capture contaminated runoff. A DuroMaxx® SRPE tank solution was selected...
May 21, 2020

Lakewood Lift Station Improvements

Contech Engineered Solutions' DuroMaxx steel reinforced polyethylene (SRPE) was chosen to for the inline storage of sanitary sewerage to rehabilitate the high flow emergency lift...
Aug. 27, 2019

Peachtree Crossing

The DuroMaxx tanks provide a cost-effective solution that saves time over other storage options.
July 11, 2019

Northwest Area Trunk Line Improvements

A-2000 PVC offers strength, joint tightness and is proven as a cost-effective solution to other alternative product options
May 10, 2019

SRPE Pipe Can Be Used for a Variety of Applications

Products are suitable for new & rehab projects
Dec. 4, 2018

PVC Pipe Installed Quickly With Little Disruption

Iowa city chooses pipe for convenience, ease of installation
Oct. 3, 2018
Contech CS Shelley ID 1

Steel-Reinforced Polyethylene Pipe Meets Idaho DEQ Integrity Standards

Pipe installation helps complete regional treatment plant
Aug. 17, 2018