WWD Announces 2022 WWD Top Projects Winners
Water & Wastes Digest announced the 10 winners of its annual Top Projects Awards, which represent some of the most important, challenging and valuable work to their respective communities on Nov. 18, 2022.
The WWD Top Projects Awards program highlights the best water and wastewater projects of the year. Entries qualified so long as it was in the design or construction phase between Jan. 1, 2021 and July 15, 2022. Nominations are open throughout the year, and utilities, engineers, consultants and contractors are encouraged to submit their best projects for the program.
This year’s winners highlight valuable commitments to communities and public health, intricate and complex long-term projects requiring diligent coordination of stakeholders, and even some industrial facilities that made commitments to be better neighbors.
Projects are scored by the Endeavor Water Group editors on the merits of complexity of work; impact to community; size and scale; challenges overcome during design, construction and commissioning; stakeholder coordination and involvement; collaboration during construction; coordination among utilities for completed work; and innovative processes and/or equipment.
Each project will be featured in an article on the Water & Wastes Digest website throughout the month of December, and most will also be accompanied with video interviews in which the owners and project managers will share deeper insights into their projects. Visit www.wwdmag.com/top-projects to view all past winners and to see the future winners featured throughout December.
2022 WWD Top Projects Winners
The winners of the 2022 WWD Top Projects Awards are as follows:
- Fort McMurray First Nations Water Reservoir and Pump Station
- Aspermont, Carey and Northfield, Texas Emergency Water Supply Main Repair and Replacement
- Arizona Water Company’s Mogollon Well No. 5 Arsenic Removal Facility
- City of Fort Lauderdale: Venice of America, Using 17 Horizontal Directional Drillings to Upgrade Seven Miles of Large-Diameter High-Density Polyethylene Force Main
- Laurens County Water and Sewer Commission Lake Greenwood Water Treatment Facility and Raw Water Intake
- National Beef Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Ozark Point WTP Improvements Phase II
- Palos Verdes Peninsula Water Reliability Project (PVPWRP)
- Pyramid Peak Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Expansion
- The Grand Connection – Connecting Tunnel between the Detroit River Interceptor and the North Interceptor East Arm.
Nominate your project for the 2023 WWD Top Project awards here: https://www.wwdmag.com/top-projects-nomination.