Hach Company - Flow Products and Services, including our legacy brands Sigma and Marsh-McBirney, has a proven track record of creating industry-leading innovations with unwavering product accuracy in the open-channel flow measurement world. Empowering you with true and timely flow data for your analysis, we dramatically reduce your risk and enable you to make critical wastewater flow decisions with absolute confidence. And smart decisions mean you're proactively managing your flow, rather than reactively dealing with problems. From state-of-the-art wireless flow loggers and industry-pioneering non-contact flow sensors, as well as our revolutionary Hach Data Delivery Services (DDS), Hach Flow is committed to providing flexible solutions for all of your flow monitoring challenges.
The diagnostic tools and advanced architecture in the Hach FL900AV flowmeter with AV9000 analyzer module make it possible to acquire useful flow data at very difficult sites. ...
Using digital Doppler radar velocity-sensing technology and ultrasonic level sensing, the FLO-DAR AV sensor advances open-channel flow monitoring by measuring from above the wastewater...
Combine the convenience of wireless data delivery with the intelligence of noncontact flow monitoring. Using wireless Hach FL900 Series flow loggers and noncontact FLO-DAR AV ...
The Hach FH950 handheld flowmeter with electromagnetic sensor is designed for use in both environmental and sewer/wastewater flow measurement scenarios. It can be utilized for...
The Hach FL900 Series flow logger is a rugged, reliable and innovative data logger that is equipped to handle difficult environments. The FL900 has up to four plug-and-play sensor...
Hach Data Delivery Services (DDS) is a flow-monitoring service in which, for a fixed monthly fee, Hach provides all the equipment, resources and support you need to acquire your...
Hach’s level-alarming solution—which pairs a Hach US9001B ultrasonic sensor with Ballast and a wireless Hach FL900 Series flow logger—provides wastewater professionals with an...
A long-term evaluation of applicability of a TU5300sc turbidimeter equipped with Automated Cleaning Module (ACM) for raw water monitoring was conducted at a surface water treatment...
For many municipalities, the traditional method of sewer flow monitoring is an expensive proposition and can be a hassle. The flow meter network purchase along with flow monitoring...
About the author: Gabi Miles is WIMS product manager for Hach Co. Miles can be reached at [email protected]. Large Colorado WWTP reduces operating costs with automated data control...
About the author: Marcia Kinley is marketing communications manager for Hach/Marsh-McBirney. Kinley can be reached at 301.874.5599 or by e-mail at [email protected]...
About the author: Clare Pierson is associate editor for Water & Wastes Digest. Pierson can be reached at 847.391.1012 or by e-mail at [email protected] update for plants...