YSI, a Xylem brand

Yellow Springs, US 45387

More Info on YSI, a Xylem brand

YSI provides monitoring equipment and services to governments, universities, and private organizations whose goal is to make the best use of natural resources. Products include: Multiparameter sondes for unattended monitoring and profiling of water quality; Multiparameter instruments for sampling water quality; Acoustic Doppler meters for measurements of velocity, tides, and currents; Buoys with full array of monitoring instrumentation, data acquisition systems, and meteorological sensors. Our trusted solutions help water resources professionals - throughout the aquaculture, coastal/estuaries, drinking water, ground water, storm water, and surface water industries - obtain the quality data needed to make informed decisions about critical projects.

Products & Press Releases

YSI IQ SensorNet Monitoring WWTP Tank

Digital Multiparameter System

The new digital-based IQ SensorNet 2020 XT is an ideal modular solution for online water quality instrumentation, for continuous monitoring and control. This instrument is a digital...
April 3, 2018

Articles & News


Monitoring the Water Quality of the Thames

The water quality of the River Thames has affected the activities of mankind for centuries. In 1858, Parliament was suspended because of a stench arising from pollution in the...
Sept. 14, 2021

How To Measure With ISEs

Best practices for obtaining reliable ammonium & nitrate concentration measurements from online ISE sensors
Sept. 2, 2016
Scioto Reserve Anoxic Zone

Fine Tuning Plant Processes

Online monitoring enables Ohio wastewater treatment plants to achieve compliance
May 4, 2015
App_WWTP-WM_Aeration_basin_2013 copy

Controlling Dissolved Oxygen

Controlling the most common target for aeration system optimization
Sept. 10, 2014
YSI IQSN Tech Review W&WD

Instrumentation Offers Easy & Efficient Process Monitoring

YSI introduced its new digital based IQ Sensor Net 2020 XT. The 2020 XT is a modular solution for online water quality instrumentation designed for monitoring and control of wastewater...
May 1, 2013
YSI EXO1Handheld

Multiparameter Sondes Operate in Challenging Environments

Sondes are ideal for use in rivers, streams & reservoirs, as well as source water, storm water & drinking water applications
March 29, 2013

The Unhealthy Greening of Maine’s Casco Bay

When it rains in Maine, dangerous chemicals run off the ground and into the clamflats and beaches of Casco Bay. Volunteers and staff from Friends of Casco Bay (FOCB), a nonprofit...
June 25, 2008

Tracking Water Quality

Nestled among the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, the Pardee reservoir is 100 miles from San Francisco Bay. But this outpost is the crucial origination point for...
April 9, 2008

Gathering Comprehensive Water Quality Data

Robert M. Ellisonundefined Ferries crossing the Neuse River and Pamlico Sound on regular routes have been equipped with a water quality monitoring system for continuous collection...
Feb. 21, 2008

Unattended Water Quality Monitoring Protects Water Supply at Taiwan Reservoir

The steep 1,600-ft peaks and dramatic canyons that have made the Shimen Reservoir one of Taiwan's popular tourist attractions are the products of massive erosion – erosion that...
Sept. 28, 2007

All content from YSI, a Xylem brand


Monitoring Wastewater Treatment Facility Efficiency and Effluent Quality

Ron Schuyler of RTW, Inc. approaches waste treatment from a holistic perspective, and regards wastewater treatment facilities (WWTFs) as complex living systems. The Bug Doctor...
July 5, 2007

Simpler Water Intake Monitoring System Reduces Frequency of Site Visits

Darren Hanson, YSI Hydrodataundefined Until recently, drinking water utility managers have relied on traditional, wall-mounted systems to monitor water quality upstream of extraction...
May 2, 2007

Mecklenburg County Finds a Solution to Water Quality Problems

Steve Werblow, Freelance Writer for YSI Inc.undefined With more than 500 sq miles to cover, including a network of streams flowing through a handful of towns and dozens of active...
March 21, 2007

Optical DO Sensors Improve Microbial Efficiency at Wastewater Treatment Plants

Dissolved oxygen (DO) monitoring in wastewater is critical for efficient operation of wastewater treatment plants. Continuous and reliable DO monitoring can improve plant efficiency...
Dec. 7, 2006

Water Quality Monitors Protect Rivers During Drought

Graham Mellor for YSI Hydrodataundefined Due to the drought in the southeast of England during 2005 and 2006, the Environment Agency has allowed increased water abstraction from...
Oct. 19, 2006

Monitoring Network Protects International Aquaculture Investment

The driving force in the aquaculture industry worldwide is the growing demand for humans to have a healthy food source. Aquaculture is the term used for the cultivation, or “...
Aug. 17, 2006
Mead profiler1

Monitoring and Protecting Water Quality in Lake Mead

Lake Mead was formed following the completion of Boulder Dam (now called Hoover Dam) in 1935. At the time, it was the largest artificial lake in the world. However, due to increases...
June 22, 2006

Ambitious water quality study could guide development for years

Eric Gurr, the city’s storm water utility manager, has designed a water quality study on a grand scale. He’s identifying the waterborne pollutants that enter and leave his city...
April 19, 2006

Building A Baseline in Florida

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) knows that establishing dissolved oxygen (DO) and nutrient criteria for the state’s water bodies is a challenge – both...
Feb. 23, 2006